Remodeling Services
Remodeling Services
As part of our overall design services, Huxham Golf Design has provided course remodeling and/or renovation services to over 30 existing golf courses across Canada.
Our ever growing list of client courses includes some of Canada’s oldest and most distinguished golf clubs. The historical record is paramount in the design process for these courses. Where as, with courses of the modern era a more creative approach can be considered, regarding the change or introduction of new design elements to the golf experience.
Our services range from small renovation projects to long range master planning for the entire course. As part of the course remodeling process, HGD can provide an array of consulting services including the following.

Darrell Huxham & Deric Weidman reviewing site issues on the 14th hole, Diamond CC, Busan S. Korea
- Client consultation to discuss project objectives
- Course review and inventory report preparation
- Research of course renovation history and original design
- Development of master renovation plan and detailed report
- Preparation of 3D design simulations and photo enhancements
- Presentations to course committees
- Construction consulting
- Post construction consulting
- Administrative consulting services
- Marketing consulting services
- Overall facility consulting services
Beaconsfield Golf Club (established 1904)
Restoration vs. Renovation
With the tolls of time virtually affecting every existing golf course in one way or another, it is very important to be able to identify the specific needs of each individual facility going forward.
It is here where our 30 years of design experience, combined with our experience as club board and committee members and facility owner/operators enables us to provide our clients with well balanced design recommendations.
These recommendations will take into consideration factors that may not be directly visible, yet serve an equally important role in the success of any renovation project.
The decision to restore a course feature that has been lost in time, or renovate it in order to effectively deal with modern day design and playability issues is an important decision to be taken.

Sod wall bunker restoration at Beaconsfield Golf Club
The Restoration or Renovation of historically significant golf courses carries an important responsibility. Today’s architects must be careful not to impose their individual styles blindly on older golf courses as they represent an historical record of the times. HGD has maintained this philosophy in the restoration and/or remodeling of numerous classic era courses. These courses having originally been designed by noted architects; Willie Park Jr, Herbert Strong, Stanley Thompson and Donald Ross.
As part of the restoration/renovation process, one of the most challenging points is to determine what components of the original design should be restored and what features should be remodeled. There are many modern issues that affect courses in today’s marketplace, such as; ongoing equipment changes, course playability, course length, budget concerns, speed of play, cart traffic and other maintenance issues. It is important to make sure these issues are well addressed during the “restoration” process.
Bunker restoration at Fairmont Manoir Richelieu (established 1925)

Bunker restoration at Kanawaki Golf Club (established 1915)
Bunker restoration at Beaconsfield Golf Club
Although there are many historically significant courses scattered around the world, the majority in operation today were built over the past 40 yrs. These courses would fall into the “Post classic” or “Modern era” and although they are of respectable age, they may not fall into the classic design category.
On many occasions the design themes present in these courses were guided by practicality or economics, rather than sound design principals. In these instances, these courses are better candidates for remodeling rather than restoration. It is here where HGD enjoys being creative by presenting a variety of innovative, yet appropriate design ideas that are targeted to enhance the golf experience visually and strategically. These design recommendations are also geared towards elevating the course from a respectability and marketability stand point in today’s ever competitive marketplace.
Bunker renovation at Club de Golf Cap-Rouge
Bunker renovation at Golf de Beauce
Note: removal of fairway trees, construction of fairway bunkering achieves view of green, and cart path re-routing

Renovation Planning at Le Blainvillier
Long Range Master Planning
Although there are many historically significant courses scattered around the world, the majority in operation today were built over the past 40 yrs. These courses would fall into the “Post classic” or “Modern era” and although they are of respectable age, they may not fall into the classic design category.
On many occasions the design themes present in these courses were guided by practicality or economics, rather than sound design principals. In these instances, these courses are better candidates for remodeling rather than restoration. It is here where HGD enjoys being creative by presenting a variety of innovative, yet appropriate design ideas that are targeted to enhance the golf experience visually and strategically. These design recommendations are also geared towards elevating the course from a respectability and marketability stand point in today’s ever competitive marketplace.

Long Range Master Renovation Plan for Royal Quebec

Bunker renovation at Club de Golf Cap-Rouge
Once the construction process has been determined, HGD is then able to provide detailed drawings of the scope of work. These plans show the proposed grades of all of the design features, as well as, the drainage modifications, earthmoving quantities, grassing areas and miscellaneous plantings to be carried out. This complete set of drawings and specification package allows the client to enter into the tendering process with the utmost understanding and confidence.
Construction / Renovation Consultation Services
Recognizing that attention to detail is vital to the success of any renovation project, HGD provides a “hands on” approach and are actively present throughout the various stages of the construction process.
The renovation process in the field can be very complex. Over and above the actual design recommendations, many other factors have to be taken into account. These factors might include; site access, cost, contractor coordination, material source locations, weather constraints and the implementation schedule, to name a few. In addition, intricate manual labor is often required to achieve the desired look, which has to be planned out well in advance.

16th Hole renovations at Beaconsfield Golf Club
HGD personnel work closely with the course committee members, the course superintendent and the contractor to ensure all aspects of the work are understood and control of the renovation work is maintained throughout the various stages.
Post Renovation Consultation
After the construction process is complete, HGD is available to assist the course superintendent and course committee members to ensure the grow-in and maturation of turf is on schedule. This allows the renovations to be brought into play with the best possible results, in a timely fashion.