Our Services



Plan Document Services

The Concept Plan provides a preliminary routing of the golf course and the location of any associated developments (i.e.: Commercial, Residential, Recreational, etc…).

The Rendered Concept Plan is accompanied by a preliminary project cost estimate and construction schedule.  This plan provides a working drawing with which to begin the developmental stages of the project, zoning, permitting, financial development and environmental authorization.

Once the Concept Plan has been accepted, HGD then proceeds to the preparation of a Master Plan and the other Plan documents.

Once the Concept Plan has been approved, a detailed Master Plan is developed, based on a more thorough examination of all of the elements and restrictions of the site and regulations pertaining to the project.  The Master Plan becomes the base plan for all of the other planning to follow.

The Master Plan shows the precise design elements, difficulty and style of the golf course features that will give the layout its personalized character.

The Clearing Plan shows the various zones of vegetation to be cleared and indicates the potential areas for disposal of stumps and debris.

All areas of feature trees that are scheduled to remain are outlined as well as their incorporation into the overall design of the golf course.

The Grading Plan shows the proposed final elevations of all of the design elements of the golf course, such as; the greens, tees, bunkers, ponds, etc…

The Grading Plan also shows all of the earthwork operations with the quantities that are to be pushed and transported during construction.

(A detailed and accurate Grading Plan is essential in establishing a realistic budget and construction schedule for any project)

The Drainage Plan provides the design of the drainage system throughout the golf course.  This plan shows the location, elevation and size of the pipe network that is to be installed during construction.

All major drainage pipes that are beyond the basic golf network are coordinated with the overall site engineer to ensure that proper water flow through the entire site is achieved.

(A detailed and accurate Drainage Plan is essential for establishing a realistic budget and construction schedule for any project, as well as to ensure quick and complete water evacuation of the site after rainfall or irrigation use.)

The Environmental Protection Plan shows the design of the elements of the storm water management system and the environmental protection measures that are to be installed before, during and after construction. 

This plan will typically show the silt fence, sediment basins & temporary diversions…. that are used to control storm water run off during construction.

The Environmental Protection Plan is used to gain the environmental approvals and permitting required before construction can begin.

The Grassing Plan shows the different areas to be grassed, and the specific varieties of turf to be seeded and sodded throughout the project.  As there are many new varieties of turf grass available for the different types of climates and levels of golf courses, seed choice and grassing design is an important element of the overall course design.

The Planting Plan shows all of the different varieties of plantings that are recommended throughout the project.  Trees often make up the bulk of the plantings, but bushes, shrubs, flowers and marsh grasses can also become an important component of the planting strategy and design.

The Feature Drawings are specific detailed plans of the greens, tees and bunker complexes.  These plans provide maximum detail to allow for accurate construction of the most important feature characteristics of the golf course.

The Construction Details provide a clear and concise illustration of the proper methods and materials of construction and installation of the hard features of the golf course (i.e.: drainage, cart paths, rock walls, green profiles, bunker sand, etc…).

These details provide the contractor with all of the necessary information and specifications required to ensure quality installation of the various elements of the project.

HGD will work with the irrigation specialist/consultant who will design a detailed Irrigation Plan.  This plan shows the layout of the pipe network, a wiring diagram, the pump house set up and water source that make up the irrigation system.

A proper design of the irrigation system is crucial to allow the superintendent complete control over coverage, timing and duration of water application to the golf course.

Renovation Services

Huxham Golf Design also provides a full range of services available for the renovation of existing golf courses.  Whether your course is an old classic or a relatively modern layout, HGD’s experience at restoring older courses of all levels is well known.

The decision of whether to restore or to remodel an old course is a delicate one that requires an experienced architect.  HGD’s knowledge and experience in renovation allows us to provide clients with the utmost confidence throughout the entire process.

The first step in the renovation process is to take a complete site inventory of the existing conditions of the golf course.

All of the features with their characteristics and style are evaluated, as well as the course infrastructure, irrigation, drainage, cart paths, soils, vegetation, etc…  These features are analyzed to form the base upon which proposals are formulated.

After the site evaluation, a complete set of renovation/construction plans are developed.  These plans show the proposed final grades of all of the design elements slated for renovation. As well, the various plans outline the drainage modifications/additions, earthmoving, grassing work and plantings to be carried out during the renovation process.

A complete set of drawings along with the specifications package allows the client to enter into the tendering process.

HGD’s skill and experience allows us to provide complete and thorough control over the bid process, as well as the day to day renovation operations.

HGD personnel work closely with the relevant course committees to allow for complete understanding and control of the renovation work through its various stages.

HGD provides post construction inspection and review by a qualified agronomist to ensure that the renovations are brought into play with the best possible results.

As required, a set of recommendations for the course superintendent to review will outline the various steps that should be taken to ensure a quick and successful grow-in and maturation.

Warren on-site at Jay Peak Resort Golf Course

Other Services

HGD personnel have been consulting on construction work for over 30 years, on a wide variety of terrain, climates and design styles.  It is our experience that allows us to provide timely, competent and thorough site consulting for the duration of the construction process. We are proud of our excellent reputation and strive to exceed the expectations of our clients. Since there are many different methods of organization for the construction of a golf course, HGD is available to provide anywhere from minimal involvement up to complete daily supervision.  Close control over our projects allows us to maintain very high standards, while meeting budget and scheduling targets.  HGD’s experience and knowledge allows our clients to be sure that they are getting the best possible product at the best price, on time.

HGD personnel have been consulting on construction work for over 30 years, on a wide variety of terrain, climates and design styles.  It is our experience that allows us to provide timely, competent and thorough site consulting for the duration of the construction process. We are proud of our excellent reputation and strive to exceed the expectations of our clients. Since there are many different methods of organization for the construction of a golf course, HGD is available to provide anywhere from minimal involvement up to complete daily supervision.  Close control over our projects allows us to maintain very high standards, while meeting budget and scheduling targets.  HGD’s experience and knowledge allows our clients to be sure that they are getting the best possible product at the best price, on time.

HGD can provide full project management of the entire construction process, from initial budget development to the bid process, and from earthmoving through to grow-in.  HGD will manage all of the daily operations and monitoring of the project for the client.

This process allows our clients to have complete control over all decision making thus allowing them to build at considerable savings of money and often time.  The cost that is typically allocated to the risk taken on by a contractor is given back to the client only to be spent if and when it is warranted.  Many of our clients find that with the proper experience, project management can provide many benefits in cost; scheduling and decision making that are difficult to forego.

Huxham Golf Design Inc. has been providing qualified, effective and respected golf expert witness analysis and testimony for over 20 years.
Our 25 years of experience in the golf design business and our lifelong pursuit of the game around the world allow us to provide golf courses with knowledgeable analysis and recommendations.

We have consulted on safety issues related to older course design, where parameters either didn’t exist or have become inadequate for the modern game. Even some newer residential/golf course developments that did not use qualified designers have been encountering safety issues. 

Our experience allows us to quickly evaluate the problem by analyzing the root causes. We are able to provide a clear analysis and recommend effective solutions to the challenges faced by golf courses today. 

Some of our recommendations over the years have included, but not limited to; hole re-routing, bunker additions and removal, pond additions, cart path relocation, tee relocation and/or re-alignment, fairway contouring, signage & marshalling, tree planting/transplanting, the introduction of fescue grasses and environmentally sensitive zones and protective netting. 

We also provide effective and fair mediation services for disputing parties in order for them to resolve their differences.

HGD can provide the following services:
– Site Review and Analysis
– Safety Report 
– Expert Witness Testimony
– Dispute Resolution
– Detailed Planning Services  (Re: renovation, netting, tree planting) 
– Graphic Exhibits &Presentations
– Photographic Simulations 

With the recent innovations in technology, aerial photography and videos have become much more accessible and affordable for golf courses today.  As golf course web-sites evolve, they are quickly becoming the most important marketing tool in attracting new clientele, and enticing existing clients into returning. 

Huxham Golf Design is proud to announce the creation of a new division: “Huxham Golf Aerial Videos”  

After 25 years in the design, construction and renovation of world class golf courses around the world, HGD is expanding its services to include high quality, professional, aerial videos that promote the golf facility.  These dramatic videos are specifically tailored for the internet and social media and are intended to showcase the golf course, club house, pro shop and other amenities that are provided by clubs today.  Our team of experienced professionals, in aerial filming and video production, are able to provide our clients with exceptional aerial footage of the key attributes of each course.  HGD’s golf design experience and reputation allows us to ensure that our videos will showcase the most important and relevant selling points of your course.  The final video, which includes, aerial footage, still photographs, music and voice over will be a perfect course introduction for any web-site.  As well, HGD also provides aerial virtual tours of each hole. 

Intro Demos:

Français: https://vimeo.com/131885920

English: https://vimeo.com/131035652

HGD has had considerable experience in the review, analysis and selection of the appropriate golf construction site.

There are many factors that will help determine weather a site is suitable for golf development.  Site location, topography, soils, vegetation and access to water are among the principal factors that are analyzed to determine whether a property is suitable.

HGD can provide a complete site analysis of all of these factors to allow the client to make informed decisions about site selection and proposed budgets.

With the experience of HGD personnel, through proper site analysis and selection, our clients can achieve considerable savings in construction costs and scheduling to ensure the long term success of their golf development project.

HGD has been providing aid in capital development and planning for many years.  With our wide network of contacts in the golf industry and in financial circles, we are able to bring many investors and developers together to help in the early stages of capital development and planning of numerous projects.

HGD can provide consulting in developing a workable business plan with accurate budgeting and pro forma analysis, in order to attract partners, investors and lenders to aid in the realization of a given project.

There is a proven process that is typically followed in order to achieve the successful development of projects.  HGD’s experience allows us to provide our clients with the best opportunity for success in the early stages of capital development and planning.

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